Women's Inner Seasons with Blume Womb: Part 2

In Part 1, we explored the beauty and wisdom of cyclical living, guided by the knowledge of Rebecca Akat (@blumewomb), who shared how aligning with the rhythms of our inner seasons can transform the way we show up in the world. We uncovered how understanding your cycle’s phases can nurture balance, empower self-awareness, and reconnect you with the innate rhythm of your body. If you haven’t had the chance to read Part 1 yet, you can find it here.
In Part 2, we dive deeper into the realities of modern life and how its demands can pull us away from cyclical harmony. The fast-paced nature of work, the pressure to constantly produce, and the societal push for consistency often disrupt the natural flow of our cycles. Yet, as Rebecca shares, even amidst these challenges, your cycle can be your greatest ally, offering a container of support and wisdom to navigate life’s demands with greater ease and grace.
What are some aspects of modern life that may interrupt cyclical living?
The main modern life aspect that interrupts cyclical living is the need to work and make an income. This is obviously necessary in our world in order to survive, but it doesn’t always support us in living with our cycle.
So, how can your cycle support you no matter your lifestyle or circumstances? By allowing it to become the container that holds you so you can navigate your life and whatever you encounter.
Understanding each phase of your cycle and how you can be in a relationship with it allows you to show up in the parts of modern life that aren’t cyclical. You create a deeper holding and predictability in knowing yourself, which in turn creates a structure that brings more ease to showing up throughout the month.
Your cycle can become your greatest ally in our modern world. It creates the foundation so that a woman can find balance when having to show up consistently.
Would you say living a holistically healthy lifestyle {physically, mentally, spiritually} supports cyclical living?
Absolutely! Cyclical living is all about coming back into your body, and this means supporting it on all levels. Physically, supporting your hormones with the right nutrition and exercise. Mentally, regulating your nervous system and finding your internal peace, since stress is a huge factor for any cycle imbalances. Spiritually, cycle tracking is a woman’s built-in spiritual practice. It is the ritual that takes her through the death and rebirth cycle. Learning to live with your cycle is the foundation to your health on all levels!
Reclaiming your womb means bringing your presence back to her. It means listening to her needs and what she has to share. Your womb has a story. Every womb does. It is a combination of your ancestral lineage, your experience with your cycle, and your relationship to sexual and creative expression. When there are blockages in our womb, it can show up as hormonal imbalances, cycle challenges (such as irregular cycles, painful bleeds, an ovulation), and sexual and creative blockages. When you are reclaiming your womb, you pay attention to your blockages and bring balance back to them with tools that bring you back into the right relationship with your womb. This can be cycle tracking, womb practices and meditations, womb massage, and creative and sexual expression to name a few.
Tell us about balanced polarity between the healthy feminine and the healthy masculine:
The balanced polarity between the healthy feminine and healthy masculine is one that starts within each of us first and foremost. Finding this inner union means finding cooperation and peace between our feminine and masculine. It means creating the safety for our inner feminine to flourish by having a healthy inner masculine that can hold us in these ways, and vice versa. For instance, creating routine and structure by tapping into our healthy inner masculine allows our healthy inner feminine to find safety to flow. Finding this inner union is a daily practice. But once we create and practise this internal balanced polarity, we can bring it into our relationships and our world.
The reason why Blume Womb shares so much about this polarity is because, in order for the feminine to heal, the masculine must heal as well. They support each other. One cannot thrive without the other.

If you don’t already, start cycle tracking! I highly recommend printing out a cycle tracker (there is one linked in the @blumewomb bio) and tracking with pen to paper since the intention of cycle tracking is to connect you back to your body, and the apps don’t really support you in that. Or get a dedicated journal for cycle tracking in which you can document daily. Every day, before you go to bed, note your experience. What were your energy levels like? Any specific emotions? Any cycle signs (breast tenderness, bloating, cramps, PMS, etc.)? Any events that could affect your cycle such as travel, work meetings, parties, etc.? Can you pinpoint when your energy drops after you ovulate and when you’re in Luteal?
Noting these things re-establishes a relationship with your body by listening to what is present. I call this Level 1 Cycle Tracking. I recommend doing this for at least 3 cycles. Then moving into what I call Level 2 Cycle Tracking which includes tracking your Cervical Mucus, your Basal Body Temperature and Cervix Height (aka the Fertility Awareness Method). This is something I take clients through if you need support with this!